It has officially been two months since that glorious day. Tingsmas 4 was one for the books! You just had to be there – and you were there – all ONE THOUSAND OF YOU! You came, you shopped, you danced, you laughed and you made Tingsmas a huge success, again.
Before Tingsmas, ‘I is a Bahamian bey’ operated primarily online, with the exception of a pop up here 'n' dere at various spots around Nassau and Eleuthera. ‘I is a Bahamian bey’ is our beloved Bahamian brand founded in 2019 with the goal of empowering Bahamian dialect. A community of people all with one common interest– love for The Bahamas and Bahamian culture.
Tingsmas branched off from ‘I is a Bahamian bey’ as a means to offer a place for I is a Bahamian bey and other small Bahamian artisans to sell dey tings back in 2021. Let's go back in time for a second:
Above: Photos from our first pop up market in 2021
The name in the beginning was, wait for it…
“I is a Bahamian bey- ‘it’s a Bahamian Ting’ Pop Up Market”.
Phew. A MOUTH FULL. (Everyone starts from somewhere, just remember that!)

It eventually became “Christmas Pop Up market”, then finally ‘Ting’ and ‘Christmas’ was sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S… you get the point. And there you have it: TINGSMAS.

I think it’s a beautiful thing that after four years, Tingsmas stands as its own thing separate from ‘I is a Bahamian bey’. This was the best year yet! I can’t tell you the amount of people that heard about Tingsmas or came to Tingsmas, but hadn’t heard about ‘I is a Bahamian bey’. This demonstrated to me 1,000 people didn’t show up to Tingsmas for the love for ‘I is a Bahamian bey’, only. They showed up because Tingsmas is be deaddddd solid!!!

Tingsmas is more than just a pop up market or festival. The same way ‘I is a Bahamian bey’ is more than just a clothing line or social media account. Tingsmas offers a place for you to buy ya tings during Christmas, yes, but it’s also a place for community, Bahamian culture and centred around one common theme:

During Tingsmas last year, in the midst of the thrill, chaos and excitement of helping customers at the ‘I is a Bahamian bey’ booth, with about 50 pairs of eyes patiently waiting to be served, I paused and said, “People are here! They having fun!” There was not much time for me to be at the event or even look around to see what was going on, but I was able to rely on my ears to hear the sounds of Tingsmas and it was joy! There was laughter, excitement, friends meeting, dancing, games and more.
Even da dogs made it out Tingsmas. At one point, one potcake even got in for free! He had all the attention. There are so many great memories from Tingsmas 2025. One of my favourite memories was seeing two ladies from church stroll on in bright and early at 10:30am in their gorgeous Sunday best.

Or hearing from multiple people weeks later say, "yep. Tingsmas 4 was the best one, I can’t wait for Tingsmas 5!"
Tingsmas Year 4 was the vision I had for the “I is a Bahamian bey- ‘it’s a Bahamian Ting’ Pop Up Market” from Year 1. Every year has been a success, but it took year 1, year 2 and year 3 to finally and fully execute the vision that I’ve always had for Tingsmas from 2021. Cheers to Tingsmas Year 4!
Thank you for coming to Tingsmas 2024! See ya in December for Tingsmas 2025. Year 5, here we come, God's willing.
Check out the photo gallery from Tingsmas 2024. Ya might see ya self. ;)